Tea is a necessity but flavored tea is the luxury. MIDAS EXOTICA is a sunshade establishment that presents you with flavourful luxury in every necessity. We have engineered a genuine and opulent villa township with a green & amenity-filled ambience. Utilities, aesthetics, and recreation are all taken care of. You can enjoy swimming, jogging, relaxation, community meetings and other activities inside the premise. We assure you of every ounce of imperial amenities & conveniences in this cradle of Mother Nature.
Midas Exotica is a personal gateway to the purest indulgence of pleasure, peace and pampering. Embellished with melodic splendour, crafted exquisitely to inspire desire, the exotic project is set in a tranquil environment with pristinely manicured lawns. The villas offer sumptuous living areas for the family members and friends as well. Appointed with modern conveniences, they assure a lifetime of luxuries. So you can indulge in style. Live the Balinese lifestyle. All round the year.
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